Anna Bogdanova - Anti-inflammatory wonder


Something that's easier and more effective than anti-inflammatory diets...

Something that requires no preparation, no specific rules, no hassle in social situations...?

I've got your back.
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Your muscle cells produce immune substances that have the potential to increase or decrease inflammation.

Relatively short periods of inactivity (as little as 14 days) cause them to increase inflammation.

Muscle training makes them change their minds and reduce inflammation instead.

In particular, muscle training with good contact and high tension on the muscle activates a large amount of these cells and makes them fight inflammatory conditions in your body - such as arthritis, allergies, asthma, psoriasis and other auto-immune conditions.

In addition, under tension, muscles will produce a number of hormone-like substances, myokines.

In addition to regulating hormones and kick-starting your body's energy production... they have a direct anti-cancer effect.
(Lucia A, Ramirez M. Muscling In on Cancer. N Engl J Med. 2016 Sep 1;375(9):892-4).

In addition, focused muscle work directs natural killer (NK) cells towards tumours and induces tumour cell death.

All in all, your own body is capable of something truly amazing.


- so you can experience all the amazing effects of activating your muscles that go far beyond a strong and beautiful body.

Sooner rather than later! All you need to do is set aside 5 minutes a day (all inclusive!).

Let me guide you, step-by-step, to make such a good connection with your muscles that you can reap huge benefits from just a little exercise.
Because the most important thing is to find a solution that you can stick with - no matter how busy your life is.

The core of all my work is therefore to develop techniques and strategies that give you maximum return for minimum effort.

"But Anna... does that mean you should throw all ideas about anti-inflammatory diets out the window?"

No, it doesn't. Of course it makes sense to nourish your body as much as possible! But it's the training that directs that nutrition to the right places so you can really benefit from it.

And an important point...


On the other hand, the anti-inflammatory effects of regular quality exercise, with built-in progression, can give you a significantly longer leash on what foods your body can tolerate without it starting to react to them.

"But Anna. I can't exercise. I'm going to hurt!"

You may think that inflammation is the cause of your pain - and therefore you can't exercise until you have reduced inflammation. And if that's not going well, then it's not a good idea to move, because you'll be bothering the place that's inflamed.

But it's actually the other way round!

When you move too little (too little variety) - or if you've been exposed to trauma - your brain doesn't receive enough (or confused) input from your muscles and joints (and other senses) - and therefore lacks an overview.

This means poor visibility.
Which creates a feeling of being unsafe in motion.
Which results in pain.
And pain results in inflammation.


And NO, I don't mean you should just go for a run and ignore the pain.

Never ignore the pain, it's there to tell you that your brain lacks predictability about your internal and external state.

You need to create the predictability your brain and nervous system rely on. Cover the blind spots in your body map.

By making contact, work focused at a pace you can control - often, but for a short duration (Yes, that's how you learn best!)


The last 15+ years I have been teaching tens of thousands of Danish women how to etablish and maintain a regular training routine with 5-minute micro-training sessions involving both the brain and muscles, so they can access much more strength, freedom, and energy in their everyday lives. 

In my opinion, this highly effective training is the most important investment in your future.

At the moment, I am preparing my first international program, so make sure to stay tuned.

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