When you don't even have the time or energy for a 15-minute workout
Craving a fitness plan for hectic times? Just 5 minutes a day for an energy boost. Here's my secret... Read more
Craving a fitness plan for hectic times? Just 5 minutes a day for an energy boost. Here's my secret... Read more
Coco Chanel created the dress that freed women from constricting corsets and allowed them to breathe freely. The right workout can do the same. Read more
My mum's battle with cancer made me realise the importance of building muscle and a strong body that gives a source of strength the worst happens. Read more
Can you train less and get results? YES - but it requires how you exercise. Learn how to get more out of your training with just a few adjustments. Read more
If you're struggling with physical exertion and experiencing discomfort, it could be because your inner senses are out of sync. Optimise your brain... Read more
Strong brain-muscle communication increases stability, agility and body health, without demanding exercise... Read more
If training stalls due to mental overload, it's a warning sign. Here is my advice on overload and reassessment... Read more
Amazing results with minimal effort! Learn effective muscle training for inflammation, arthritis, allergies etc. Small actions, big difference! Read more
Get all the reasons why you shouldn't wait to increase your strength training, if you want to prevent "inflammaging" - accelerated aging. Read more
See pictures and read my chapter from the book HONEST WOMAN'S BODY, where I share the path to body partnership instead of opposition. Read more
Here's one very important thing you don't know about your body - and the solution to getting it to cooperate. Read more
Do you experience stress in your everyday life? Take control of stress with targeted exercise that reduces your stress hormone. But, there is a but... Read more