When you don't even have the time or energy for a 15-minute workout

Damage control plan:

Do you ever look at yourself from the outside and think:
"Honestly, how can you not even find 5-15 minutes to exercise?
It's good for you! You'll love it afterward!"

...and then you promise yourself that tomorrow - THEN you'll do it. Just gotta get to the other side of this project that's swallowing up all your mental capacity.

I'll be the first to admit that I get this way during very busy periods, where logistics with 2 kids and work replace each other in turn, and you catch yourself holding your breath all the time from one to-do to the next.

And I even work with training and health...
OMG, you can get tired of yourself.

But ok, physical activity was not part of my childhood - so exercise is not the most natural coping mechanism I turn to when I need a break.

It's something I've learned - and something I have to remind myself of regularly. If I go too long without a routine, it's really hard to get back into it.

I'm so far from the only one who feels this way!

Not a day goes by when I don't get a message that reads something like this: "Anna, I really can't even find 5-15 minutes for myself".

The most important thing I usually say to myself is: "It's a phase. It's okay. What's the least I can do right now?"

The worst thing is beating myself up for not being able to pull myself together

It somehow quickly convinces me that I don't have my best interests at heart - but that's NOT true!!!

And then my beloved kettlebell training suddenly becomes a chore instead of something I love. And that's NOT how it is! (And I hate chores).

Therefore, I will not let my mind wander in that direction at all.

"Accept that there are times in life when other things are more important than training"

So I've started to see training as my daily vitamin pill that gives me a boost to cope with everything else.

My daily toothbrushing for my body, keeping my muscles, bones, tendons, joints, blood and lymph vessels, skin - and not least my brain - in shape.

It's not a means of remodeling my body.
It's not a means to earn food.

It's a very effective button that I press to make all the systems - inside and out - in my body work better.

The fact that this button makes me feel lighter and more energetic from the inside out is something I'm not complaining about.


I've learned to put thoughts about the most appropriate program for the day on standby (they can drag on for months) - and do something else RIGHT NOW to build momentum.

I practice saying
"While I'm thinking, I'll just do this today"

My favorite damage control plan consists of the absolute micro-minimum of 5 minutes of exercise a day (EVERYTHING included), which is not up for discussion (I can always argue with myself after the 5 minutes).

I have simply sat down and decided what these 5 minutes should contain so that it gives me a macro return.
Both on my mood, my health, and my figure.

Micro-training is the solution because you pretty quickly...

  • get it over with and get on with your day - it IS only 5 minutes!
  • you're reminded how good this workout is for you
  • experience how gratefully your body responds - without actually needing a big, elaborate plan
  • feel your body again and get comfortable in itcreate energy and a momentum for more physical activity in your life

The great thing about body toning is that you quickly...

  • activate your inner shapewear and feel a firming effect from the inside out
  • feel like tightening up your other good routines
  • experience a huge energy boost that goes far beyond coffee, sugar, and energy drinks
  • awaken your inner strength and resilience, making everything else in your everyday life easier
  • feel your mood and motivation get a boost because you realize that you can get going yourself


The last 15+ years I have been teaching tens of thousands of Danish women how to etablish and maintain a regular training routine with 5-minute micro-training sessions involving both the brain and muscles, so they can access much more strength, freedom, and energy in their everyday lives. 

In my opinion, this highly effective training is the most important investment in your future.

At the moment, I am preparing my first international program, so make sure to stay tuned.

Read more here

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