personal data policy


This personal data policy provides information about the collection, storage, and processing of your personal data by House of Strength International ApS. The personal data policy applies to the information you provide to us in connection with:

  • Visiting one of our websites, including subpages.
  • Purchasing digital programs.
  • Signing up for newsletters.
  • Contacting our customer service.
  • Taking part in interviews, user surveys, etc.

  • The company House of Strength International ApS is the data controller for your personal data. All inquiries to the company must be made via


    When you contact House of Strength International ApS, we collect, store, and process personal data about you.
    This applies to:
    Visiting one of our websites, including subpages.
    When you visit our website or any of its subpages, we automatically collect information about you. This includes, for example, which browser you use, your IP address, and information about your computer. The information we collect is used to adapt and improve our content on the website and to carry out targeted marketing.
    Purchasing digital programs.
    When you buy a product through Shopify, we collect personal data, including your name, residential address, and e-mail address, as well as information about which products you buy. This is done for the purpose of being able to identify you as a customer, register your purchases and payments, and deliver the products or services you have purchased from us.
    Signing up for newsletters.
    When you sign up for our newsletters, you agree that we may collect and store information about you, including your name, e-mail address, and possibly telephone number. We use the information we collect in connection with your subscription to the newsletter to be able to send you inspirational e-mails, inform you about our products, and for marketing new goods/services, including marketing via third parties such as Meta (including Facebook) and Google.
    Contacting our customer service.
    When you write to our customer service at, we collect information about you, including your name, e-mail address, and the subject of the inquiry. Your inquiry is stored for 30 days, after which it is automatically deleted. If you wish to have your inquiry deleted immediately, you can write to
    Taking part in interviews, user surveys, etc.
    If you take part in interviews or participate in user surveys, you will be asked to give your express consent. With this consent, you give permission for us to use your history and any images in future promotional material, including on our websites, newsletters, social media channels, etc. You can withdraw your consent at any time and demand that we delete your data. However, we point out that it is not possible to revoke consent for material already printed.


    We use external data processors when we collect, store, and process your personal data.
    These data processors are used in connection with product purchases, membership sites, advice/guidance, obtaining health records, and in conducting user surveys. The following data processors are used:
  • Shopify
  • Simpler
  • Keyboard
  • Zendesk
  • Playable
  • SurveyMonkey
  • WeTransfer
  • Meta (including Facebook)
  • Google
  • Sleeknote
  • Zapier

  • These companies only process information about you according to our instructions. As the data controller, we have entered into data processing agreements with all our data processors, and it is our guarantee that they comply with applicable regulations on the protection of your personal data. The data processors must not use the information for purposes other than those we have agreed with them. All our data processors are subject to the same confidentiality obligation as House of Strength International ApS. Please note that data processors outside the EU have entered into what's known as a "Privacy Shield" – an agreement between the EU and the USA which applies when personal data is stored on and transferred to servers in the USA.


    When you visit our websites, information is collected about you that is used to customize and improve our content and to increase the value of the advertisements displayed on the site. If you do not wish to consent to us collecting information about you, you should delete your cookies and refrain from further use of the website. Below we have elaborated on what information is collected, its purpose, and which third parties have access to it.

    House of Strength International ApS uses cookies to improve navigation on our websites, for statistics, and for targeted marketing by House of Strength International ApS as well as third parties. Cookies are a text file that is saved on your computer, smartphone, or a similar device for the purpose of recognizing your device and remembering the settings you have previously approved. Cookies cannot contain harmful code such as a computer virus.

    If you delete or block cookies, ads may become less relevant to you and appear more frequently. You also run the risk that the website will not function optimally, and that some content will no longer be accessible. You can delete your cookies at any time. Our websites contain cookies from third parties that may include Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Sleeknote, and others.


    As data controller, we have a duty to inform you about the rights you have in connection with our processing of your personal data. Should you make use of one or more of your rights in relation to us, we may require additional documentation to confirm your identity.
    The right to access your personal data.
    You can submit a written request at any time to find out what information we have registered about you, for what purpose the information has been registered, etc. You also have the right to a copy of the personal data we have processed about you.
    The right to have your personal data corrected.
    You have the right to have incorrect personal data about yourself corrected. If you become aware of an error in our information, please contact us in writing so that the information can be corrected.
    The right to have your personal data erased.
    You have the right, with certain exceptions, to have your personal data deleted. This can be done by writing to us at This applies, for example, if the storage of your personal data is no longer necessary to fulfill a purpose, or if you withdraw your consent. Please note, however, that there may be certain exceptions that mean that we cannot delete all information. Information that we, according to legal requirements, are obliged to store is stored for the prescribed period and according to applicable law.

    When you write to our customer service, your inquiry will be stored for 30 days, after which it will be automatically deleted. If you wish to have your inquiry deleted immediately, you can write to

    By signing up for one of our newsletters, purchasing one of our online products, or taking advantage of any free digital programs, you will automatically be registered with Shopify and Simplero, where your personal data will be stored. You have the right to have this information deleted at any time by contacting You should be aware that if you delete your Simplero profile, you will lose access to the products you have purchased from us and on other Simplero platforms.

    Please note that once a year we delete inactive customers from Simplero.
    We have defined an inactive customer as someone who:

  • Has not purchased one or more products from us over the period.
  • Unsubscribed from all mailing lists.
  • Has selected the "Do not contact" setting.
  • Has not opened emails from us in the last year (unengaged subscribers).

    The customer does not necessarily have to fulfill all the points above to be considered inactive.
    The right to restrict processing to storage.
    In certain cases, you have the option to restrict the processing of your personal data to storage only.
    The right to data portability.
    You have the right to have your personal data delivered in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format, as well as to request transfer to another data controller.
    The right to object.
    You have the right to object at any time to our processing of your personal data in connection with direct marketing, including for profiling purposes.
    The right to withdrawal of consent.
    You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You can revoke your consent to marketing, including our newsletters, at any time by using the link in the e-mail received, or by writing to If you revoke your consent, you waive the possibility of receiving our newsletters.

    Your consent, which you have given in connection with your participation in courses that include sparring, is voluntary, but if you choose to withdraw your consent, you waive the possibility of personal advice. You can revoke your consent by sending an e-mail to

    If you revoke your consent, we will delete your personal data, unless we are legally obliged to continue the processing and/or storage of the information. The processing of sensitive information will at this point be changed to include storage only. Your information will therefore not be used by us during the storage period unless we obtain renewed consent from you at a later date.
    The right to complain.
    You have the right to complain about our processing of your personal data at any time.
    Your complaint must be sent to the Data Protection Authority at Borgergade 28, 5, 1300 København K.
    You can also contact them by phone at +4533193200 or via e-mail at

    We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational security measures to safeguard your personal data against being accidentally or illegally deleted, published, lost, degraded, misused, accessed by unauthorized persons, or otherwise processed in violation of the law.

    The personal information will only be used in connection with the delivery and operation of the product/service you have purchased from us, as well as by employees who have a real need for the information in order to carry out their work in advising you in the best possible way during your course.
    Our contact details:
    House of Strength International ApS

    Primary website:
    More information:
    You can find further information about the Personal Data Act at
    This personal data policy was last amended on 2 November 2022.