Berit Gamst


When Berit started training according to Anna's training methods, she was stressed.

It completely subsided as she learnt that training is not about more and harder, but about calming the body, training less and better.

In many ways, we live in a society based on masculine values

This also applies when we exercise. It should always be traning more and harder.

My husband thinks that everything can be run and cycled away. My body reacts negatively to that. I don't have to work hard to get the results. I need to do the opposite: build up slowly.

I've been training with the Anna Bogdanova method since 2018, back then it was all about stress. Now I'm in menopause and continue to train with all the tools I've learnt. There's no doubt that it was my training with Anna's programme that helped me get 100% healthy.

The training has given me a fundamental peace of mind

Both because I feel a better connection to my body, but also because I have really understood that it's not the hard workout that brings results.

What I've learnt is that self-love is far more rewarding in the long run. Giving yourself peace, not stressing yourself, nagging yourself or being hard on yourself.
Training according to Anna's method is all about that.

Like many others, I was brought up to work hard. Learning to enjoy and surrender to pleasure has been new to me. But that's what Anna Bogdanova speaks to all of us women.

I can exercise regularly, and that's because exercise makes sense

It's also why I've continued to exercise for five years. Things have to make sense to me.
A little bit every day is better than nothing.

I also love the idea that we need to be stronger.
It's not enough to just go for walks and do yoga. We get flabby, and when I get flabby, I feel old and that makes me feel bad about myself.

Conversely, when I feel strong, mobile and comfortable in my body, I feel confident and energised. If I don't exercise, my body hurts, and I take that signal seriously.

Anna's training is so easily accessible in everyday life, and it's the base of everything I do

It's what always keeps me going.
Sometimes I train every day and at other times I fall off a bit. But it's easy to come back to it, and I love getting the daily email, it's a feeling of being there all the time.

For me, it's all about the holistic approach I'm left with after all these years, because it's an internal state: when I can feel my body, I can also feel myself."

Berit Gamst, 51 years old, body therapist, married, two bonus children