Anne Marie Staun Maurer


Anne Marie suffered from back pain for many years with no relief.
It was only when she started training according to Anna's programmes that she became pain-free.

A number of years ago, I had a mentally stressful job that gave me a major crisis. I had water in my body, I was bloated and my back hurt like crazy. I went to the gym, crossfit and a chiropractor in the hope that it would change something. But nothing worked and I ended up with back pain for 2-3 years. 

Then I heard about Anna, who I thought had some interesting angles on training, and when I started training according to her principles, something happened. I started to understand how to connect the brain, nerves and muscles. I felt a heightened body awareness and I signed up for the one-year programme and have been training according to Anna's method ever since... and I haven't had any back pain since I started in 2018! 

I've spent a lot of time training the so-called neuroflows that Anna incorporates into her programmes, because we can have many limitations or blockages in the nervous system that can cause pain. It has really changed my understanding of the body and brain, and it has unlocked my body, so to speak.

I've learnt to exercise regularly

And even if I fall out of the routine due to illness or if I just need a break I've found that it's easy to get back into it.
I've been terrified of getting back pain again, so I've been persistent. It's also been important for me to have a strong body when life is difficult. 

There's no doubt that my biggest aha moment was realising that the brain controls so many things. My brain could trick me into having back pain! It was a mental strain that took on a physical expression. Learning to make that connection between muscles and brain has really made a difference for me. By listening to my body and doing flows, I can get through what is difficult for my body.  

I never thought I could lift weights the way I can today. It was just something women didn't do, it was a man's world. I think it's really important that Anna has brought such a strong focus on how crucial it is for women to strength train. I work with disabled children and am a teacher in the 9th grade, where I have to help with many physical things. I realise now how strong I've become and how much more I can do.

Before, I used to feel very weak, I didn't feel like I could carry my own body

Now I've turned my thoughts about myself from never being able to do anything well enough to the fact that I can actually do a lot with my body, even though I'm 54 years old. I'm stronger at 54 than at 48!  

Anne Marie Staun Maurer, 54 years old, two children, married, teacher for disabled children.