Anna Bogdanova testimonials - Camilla Andersen "I rediscover the love for my body through regular exercise"

Camilla Andersen

I rediscover the love for my body through regular exercise

Camilla has experienced how exercising regularly using Anna's methods has made her recognise her body again.

She has also learnt to rest in her body in a whole new way.

I started training with Anna's programmes just over a year ago. I started with a free trial programme. I was so hooked that I bought access to Anna's universe.

I started exercising because I had seen pictures of myself from my summer holiday and when I saw my body, I thought, 'I can't do that'. I couldn't identify with the woman I saw in the pictures.

At first I joined a gym, but I never really made friends with the machines. I worked out a lot, in hour-long sessions, and I lost weight, but it still didn't really work.

Already on Anna's free trial programme, I could tell that just five minutes a day had made a huge difference.

I could physically see the difference in my body.

I hadn't lost weight, but I could see my abs and my waistline had come back

I hadn't seen my abs in 10 years! It was a feeling of greeting my body for the first time since I had my first child. And I was left with such a wow feeling: that's all it takes.

I've realised that if I get overambitious, I can't handle it. It's actually more rewarding when I do fewer and simpler exercises.

Basically, my self-image has changed a lot. I can recognise myself again and have gotten away from the "office body" that I couldn't relate to. I've realised that I don't need to lose the weight I had when I was younger, because I'm older now and it's a natural part of my development. It's a mindset that has changed along the way.

And then I've realised how quickly I can bounce back again. My body doesn't go limp because I skip a week of training. I'm just a little more relaxed in my muscles, but I get strong again in no time.

Camilla Andersen, 44, mum of 2, married, development consultant in the municipality