mia nilsson


Mia Nilson has a crooked back that has caused her a lot of pain.

But strength training has made her so strong that she can now walk 10 kilometres a day, dance and move pain-free.

I have a crooked back and I often felt weak and like a pain in the arse. I couldn't take much.

My mum has described me as someone who procrastinated when it came to physical activity. She's been saying that about me since I was very young. It wasn't that I never did anything, it was perhaps more that I wasn't that keen on moving and quickly opted out. 

I became acquainted with Anna's universe 10-12 years ago. For a long time I just followed her from the sidelines and recommended her to everyone else, but 3-4 years ago I finally got started myself, even though I found it difficult. But my back had gotten worse and I would rather train myself stronger according to Anna's principles than agree to back surgery.

I somehow knew that it would be far healthier for my body to exercise than to have an operation and then have to deal with the after-effects.

I started off slowly with sensory flows

Sensory flows are calm movements of the body, e.g. scent exercises, eye exercises, etc. At first I thought I could skip them. But I struggled through the first 14 days and realised how much it actually gave me because I got a feeling of "landing in my body". From there, it was natural to move on to the next thing. 

It was Anna's book and training programme that got me on the track of strength training. I took it at a slow and steady pace, partly because it's Anna's recommendation and partly to do the best possible for my back and my whole body when I was really out of shape.

I realised that I liked it. I felt energised, energised and slowly a strength began to take up residence in my body.


The biggest wow experience in my training after Anna's programmes has been that you have to do everything the opposite of what you normally hear! 

It's not about training harder and more and eating less - it's the exact opposite! 

People find it hard to believe and I can easily be met with resistance from others. But I can confirm that it works. 

I've seen a huge difference in my body, which has gained muscle and is both toned and strong.

My back doesn't hurt at all anymore

I used to be unable to walk even 1 kilometre because my back hurt so much. Now I walk 8-10 km a day, train according to Anna's training programmes 4-5 times a week and go dancing once a week because I love dancing. 

Now I can exercise anywhere, even if I'm standing on a playground. Just being as active as I am now, I never thought it was possible. 

I became a mum not too long ago and a lot of people think it's hard to carry a 10kg baby, but I don't think that at all. I would have struggled with it five years ago. But now I look at other people who think it's hard and I'm surprised. 

And you know what, Anna's approach is so recognised that even my physiotherapist recommended training according to Anna's principles.

Mia Nilsson, 34, Cohabiting, 1 child, social counselor