Anna Bogdanova - Case Dicte Engberg Jespersen

Dicte Engberg Jespersen

Now I'm in control of my training

Before, Dictes' training was always about more and harder.
In Anna's programs, she learned to listen to her body and get results with less and more effective training.

It has always been crucial for me to be physically healthy, and I have often searched for better methods

That's how I came across Anna, whom I was curious about because she talked about training in a different way than I was used to.

I slowly started to explore her world, and in 2022 I bought my first online training program. I was already doing a lot of strength training in my gym and was quite fit, but still felt like I lacked knowledge or that my body was calling for something else.

As I delved into Anna's approach, I discovered that she talks about smart and effective training. She doesn't talk about endless repetitions, but 'effective training' with fewer repetitions.

I had to learn to use my body in a completely different way than I had done before. I had been used to doing three sets of 12 rounds relentlessly for many years. My body was very strong with very clear muscle markings, but it also had such a hardness to it that I was not comfortable with.

I always trained with higher intensity, and there always had to be more weight on the weights. I always had to do more, push myself harder, and do better.

Only with Anna's training have I had the experience of listening to my body and respecting it when it was tired

Anna has brought about a revolution for my inner self and my body. She has changed my approach, which used to be to whip myself to something that always had to be wilder, to now respecting my body in a different way. Now it's me who controls the training.

I thank her from a very deep place in me for teaching me the concept of smart training. Smart training is ultimately about listening to your body. If you're low on energy one day, well then you shouldn't train, or maybe just train for 5-10 minutes instead of finding an hour to an hour and a half. I have become gentler towards myself - and happier.

There was a sense of clenched determination in the training I used to do before. But now, I've let go of any thoughts of training poorly. I no longer have to mentally push myself to the limit. It feels like Anna is holding my hand through her videos and gently guiding me through the exercises.

Previously, I was never good enough when I trained, even though I pushed myself to the max. Now, I'm just good enough as I am, in deep connection with my body and myself. It's a wild change for me to have gained a better sense of my body so that I can actually feel its signals.

Dicte Engberg Jespersen, 49 years old, married, mother of two, stepmother of three, grandmother of three, professional coordinator at Limfjordsbakken in Skive.