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Anna's training has helped more with the after-effects of a concussion than the doctors

"Ten years ago, I suffered a concussion while skiing. The aftermath of the accident was so severe that I never returned to my normal life. I couldn't exercise and had almost given up hope because the healthcare system was unable to help me. 

By chance, I discovered Anna's book Smertefri four to five years ago and followed Anna's 12-week program, which brought me to a decisive turning point. Since then, I have been a loyal follower of Anna. 

I am so enthusiastic about Anna that I told my doctor about her because Anna can do something that our healthcare system is unable to do. I feel that I have been lost in the Danish healthcare system.

With Anna's guidance, I was able to rebuild myself.
I have learned to calm my nervous system, build strength, and her training is never boring.

I spend a maximum of fifteen to twenty minutes on it, four times a week. However, this makes it easier to be persistent.

What has been so crucially different and much better for me is Anna's approach to training. She says that you should train based on your current condition.
To evaluate how you are feeling today. Accepting this approach has been significant.

I have also been able to use this in other areas of my life. Many of us participate in various commitments that we feel we have to complete no matter how we feel. But you don't have to. 

This approach to life is new to me. So even though I still have the after-effects of my concussion and can only work limited hours, Anna has given me the opportunity to take greater responsibility for myself.

I never thought my body could become so strong again after the accident. And it's such a COOL feeling to be able to lift those heavy 12 kg weights.

I leave my front door with my head held high and a changed self-image of being strong and not weak. 

Lene Pind, 50 years old, engineer


The last 15+ years I have been teaching tens of thousands of Danish women how to etablish and maintain a regular training routine with 5-minute micro-training sessions involving both the brain and muscles, so they can access much more strength, freedom, and energy in their everyday lives. 

In my opinion, this highly effective training is the most important investment in your future.

At the moment, I am preparing my first international program, so make sure to stay tuned.

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