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I am no longer controlled by back pain

"We often think that we can do far less than we actually can.

That's something that has changed for me by training with Anna's method, which I have been doing consistently for the last 6-7 years. 
I now KNOW that I can do far more than I ever could have imagined.

I follow Anna's online program, and it's in my budget to be able to afford the courses every year for the rest of my life!

It has been an exciting journey for me, focusing on discovering how miraculous even my painful body is, and that I am capable of far more than I ever thought was possible.

Due to an ear injury and a misaligned vertebra, I was in a place where I was increasingly protecting myself, as even the slightest things could trigger pain. My husband took over all the things that required holding, lifting, and carrying.

There were simply so many things I couldn't do or was afraid to do. I was afraid of falling, afraid of banging into something, afraid that the impact would cause me more pain.

I became so immobile that some days it was difficult to tie my shoelaces because I couldn't reach them.

I often took painkillers and had back pain, where I lay down for 2-3 weeks at a time and was completely crooked.

I can still get back pain, but by doing Anna's exercises, I am back on my feet after 2-3 days instead of 2-3 weeks!

I train 4-5 times a week now, starting with gentle warm-ups and then 10-20 minutes of training. As someone who otherwise experienced decline for many, many years, I have experienced stable progress and strength in recent years.

Every time I have been hit by life, from a cancer diagnosis to a death in the family, I have benefited from Anna's programs, which have put me back on the training track again.

I am much stronger at 56 than I was at 48.
The great physical strength rubs off on the mental.
Now I feel like I can handle anything in life.
Is that a victory or what?

I am grateful that there were three people in my circle who independently told me about Anna and her training methods. You have to listen when something calls. And Anna was calling me. 

Liselotte Schliemann Hansen, 56 years old. Air traffic controller, married, mother of two girls aged 21 and 23 years.


The last 15+ years I have been teaching tens of thousands of Danish women how to etablish and maintain a regular training routine with 5-minute micro-training sessions involving both the brain and muscles, so they can access much more strength, freedom, and energy in their everyday lives. 

In my opinion, this highly effective training is the most important investment in your future.

At the moment, I am preparing my first international program, so make sure to stay tuned.

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