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I lost the ability to walk when my father died, but Anna's training got me back

"I experienced a huge mental burden when my father died.

The year before he died, I was completely overworked. But I only realized that afterward. That's how it always is when you go through something stressful. You hold on. And then you break down afterward.

But I couldn't even walk.
Just walking down to the creek was impossible for me.
I wasn't able to walk for 1 ½ years!
Anna's training saved me completely.

I did small sensory flows and touches just to calm my body. It was brilliant to do those gentle flows. Through them, I found out that I could do a lot more than I thought. Today, I can do strength training, move around, and go for walks. It's so liberating.

I think Anna is brilliant. Her material is so well-worked, and she knows so much. I work with trauma therapy, mindfulness, and compassion; training that's about strengthening the body for compassion.

Because the body says no when we're pressured and stressed. Our psychological state also affects our physical, and our nervous system needs to be calmed. Anna's approach supports that. It's about understanding the nervous system because it's the focal point of being human.

Most people in the Western world don't have softness. We just learn to suck it up. But Anna teaches us the opposite. She teaches us to take care of ourselves in a gentle way.

The greatest gift I have ever given myself was to start following Anna's programs. Also because I have learned to be persistent.

I love feeling strong, and I love that my body still has round shapes at the same time.

Flora Tara Schouboe Melchiorsen, 55 years old, married, mother of three, trauma therapist


The last 15+ years I have been teaching tens of thousands of Danish women how to etablish and maintain a regular training routine with 5-minute micro-training sessions involving both the brain and muscles, so they can access much more strength, freedom, and energy in their everyday lives. 

In my opinion, this highly effective training is the most important investment in your future.

At the moment, I am preparing my first international program, so make sure to stay tuned.

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